And the fact that we consider our God the only and true is quite natural, because if not, then He is not God at all. We cannot remain silent about Him, simply because we experience His love and power - and we want to share with other people.
Is this not normal? Where is fanaticism or imposition here? If someone unexpectedly gave you a gift, would you not tell your brother about it? That is why we are talking about God, because He taught that all people on earth are brothers to each other, and He is the Father. He taught to love your neighbor, which we are trying to do. It's strange when brothers call their father by different names ... and they quarrel about it. God is the Father, and that's enough for us. Father of all, not just Christians.
It's a shame that people don't know about it. That is why we go and preach Christ, because He taught us to be not Christians, but brothers and friends. All for whom God is the Father. Christianity is not a religion, it is God's way of uniting humanity into one family. I don't believe in God, I KNOW ...
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