Sport is a good lifestyle, it has given a complete turn to my old lifestyle, since cycling entered my life, everything changed, it is a beautiful sport, with a small degree of difficulty to resist long distances , but that leads us to find and rediscover beautiful places and landscapes, that although on some occasions we fall, we always get up, and we always want to give more, a great help for the heart and the body, not all of us were born with the luck of having beauty and a nice body, we are rejected by our physique, when what should really matter is our inner beauty, but we have to work our hardest to feel good about ourselves, and so that society does not make us feel inferior and pass From being the ugly duckling to becoming the most beautiful swan, because if cycling has been a great help to have discipline and perseverance to achieve the goals that I have set for myself, and it has helped me to improve my body and my spirit, to be a better person, I have made many friends with this beautiful sport, but you always need a company that is always by your side, that man who accompanies you, who supports you on a daily basis, or that every time you arrive There is to each this there to receive me in the best way, with a big hug and a nice kiss, so as not to feel alone, I hope that in time I can find the man I always dreamed of, I hope I can find him
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