I read very slowly.
Everyone wanted me to read quickly. At school, they measured how much I would read per minute, then they took me to the speed reading group, and my mother constantly said that I should learn to read diagonally. I was constantly drummed into the idea that reading quickly is important, this is right, this is what every successful person should be able to do. But no matter how hard I tried, nothing came of it. For a long time I considered it a defect, and myself as a defective. For a long time I betrayed one of my greatest excellence's. Only reading slowly, you can feel the vibration and language of the author, only reading slowly, you can truly assimilate the information with high quality and make it work for you. "Swallowing" books is a waste of time.
The teachers at the school said that my texts were very easy to read. The secret is that I once had terrible diction. So, to make it easier for me to read my texts aloud, my brain began to arrange words in a certain order, which helped smooth out the defect. I corrected the diction, but the effect remained.
Don't rush to despise your weaknesses. Take a closer look at them, because they can ultimately give you the greatest advantage.
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