Love.... romance.... the feeling that you love and that you are loved those are great and compose the beautiful life Love gives wings, inspiration when we are in love we can do things that out of our mind)) We can cook dinner, wash dishes, clean the house ha ha ha for the beloved one (lady, in this case, LOL), we can do crazy things)) huh) For example, for my beloved one I could learn how to change the tires on his car))) Can you find the lady who could do that?:) Wel, but and again that is not an indicator of love, this somehow expresses the compassion to help the one you love...
But how to meet such love that will last all our life? How to meet such a man who will love and who will have the desire to work on this love to make it grow and to overcome every bad thing that happens in life? When you are lonely and you are in blue - the lady would be the flower, the sun, that brightens your day and makes you feel great...
"Love is beautiful in books only" - to make it wonderful in life you should work hard on that!!! Are you a hardworking man, by the way?:)
My parents got married silently without any classy wedding and went to Paris for the honeymoon, everything was humble, they were poor students who were crazy in love with one another and they wanted to take the best from life, no work for that time, not funds, all m0ney that their parents left to them for the wedding they spend on their trip to Paris, to see the most romantic city in this world and to climb on Eiffel Tower. My mom was telling me beautiful stories about the unforgettable time they spent together. Arc de Triomphe, Eiffel Tower, Château de Versailles...but most of all they remember their time spent at Eiffel Tower, she did not tell all the secrets they did there LOL but she told it united them and made their marriage stronger:) Would you like to know how it was? Would you like me to ask my mom and ask what is their secret? She told me that it is the magic place that unites heart...would you like to check its magic effect on you?:)
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