You understand that soon you will be where a part of you seems to remain ... And everything has already changed: houses, streets, people, faces; but in my soul everything is the same as then, long ago.
You leave the train and breathe in the air of your native place, and inside there are some indescribable processes of excitement and memories. You walk along the paths along which you ran as a small child. And something pops up in my memory, sweet moments of happiness, resentment and fun. I remember episodes of life that cannot be returned ...
And now you see people whom you have not seen for ten years, and some you do not remember at all, but there is something in your heart. It's like you are getting to know each other for the second time, although you were sitting on the neighboring pots, drawing and walking together. But time passes, we grow and change. At home, you look at old photographs with tears in your eyes, wanting to hug that childhood friend and remember the past during a sincere conversation, and here you are standing right in front of him and do not know what to say ... Because you are different, you are not the same as before ... And it seems that you remember something, you realize that you were familiar, but everything is not the same ...
At such moments, you want to cry and curse the time for the fact that you cannot return it back.
The train is approaching, you stand on the platform and realize that you do not want to leave. The heart tells that they are waiting for you here and love you, they remember you.
And it seems like you want to stay, stay forever with those people who left a big mark in your memory, but you are no longer ready for such changes, you have a different life.
You sit in the carriage, look out the window at your favorite city of childhood and cry, because you can no longer return anything.
These are the most difficult moments in life, when you understand that time is cruel to everyone, someday your turn will definitely come, it will reach everyone.
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