Lack of faith in ourselves hits us with a heavy hammer. It's time to understand that even in the darkest time there is light, which we ourselves refuse because of our unwillingness to believe.
Never take anything to heart. The actions of other people speak of what is happening only in their inner worlds. They have nothing to do with your world. Get rid of conservatism in areas where flexibility and a view of the situation from a different angle are really necessary. Any negative can be reborn into a positive if you change your perception. Be grateful for everything, because life is an invaluable gift, which means that pleasure and pain are part of this gift.
Each meeting is not accidental and is given for a certain semantic load. You decide for yourself whether such a skill is interesting or not. Learn to forgive, but not forget, because memory is an excellent indicator of experience, learn to hear the inner voice, more often it knows the right path and learn not to take life too seriously, no one will leave it alive anyway. You yourself are the creators of everything that happens, take advantage of this, the Universe will no longer give a second chance.
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