We were invited to visit. Of course, it was my mother who was invited, and she took me with her. Granny dressed me herself, she was a great craftswoman and she sewed the whole family, and she dressed me especially. I liked myself - a floral print blouse-T-shirt, a skirt tied with lace at the hem. Granny beautifully crocheted different laces. And so we set off.
I did not know the owners very well, only sometimes I saw them and at first I did not like them. There were no toys in the room, there was no one to play with, even the cat did not want to communicate and ran away as soon as I took her in my arms. And she also managed to push me painfully with her feet.
Miracles began when we were called to the table. "For tea! For tea!" - shouted my mother's acquaintance and I was seated at a common table. I began to like visiting guests more and more. But the real shock came when I saw gingerbread on the table.
And here on the table in a large cup lay a whole mountain of gingerbread! They were round, large, covered with white glaze. Well, what could be greater happiness than seeing such a picture? My mesmerized gaze was evidently noticed. And the gingerbread cup moved right up to me. You didn't have to beg me. I took the gingerbread, carefully nibbled the icing, then bite off the brown center with an incredibly fragrant smell in small pieces. I had to bite off a new one and the gingerbread became less and less, and then completely disappeared.
The adults did not look at me, or so it seemed to me, I took a new gingerbread and the magic of eating it was repeated
There was only one way out. I thought about strategy and tactics. If the gingerbread is secretly lowered over the collar, then the elastic on the skirt will not let it fall. But how to do it practically? For some reason, I stopped noticing everything around me, absorbed in the idea of making a carrot. A sense of urgency and awkwardness made me lower my eyes and even stop the delicious nibbling.
How difficult it is to steal a gingerbread from the table! Holding the gingerbread in my hands, I put it on the table and began to slowly move it to the edge. Time stood still, and the distance did not decrease. Covering the object of my lust with my hand, and there was not enough hand for this, I finally managed to stick it by the collar. The gingerbread tickled me and nestled on my stomach. Yet it was too early to calm down. Looking down, I saw that the huge gingerbread had formed a noticeable bubble on my skinny belly. I had to cover the rest of the evening with my hand and were desperately afraid of exposure.
The gingerbread-eating holiday was spoiled. I was afraid to look at my mother, at the owners, I sat very still. It is not very convenient to nibble on the white gingerbread icing with one hand.
And finally the evening ended. When we left, a whole newspaper bag of gingerbread is real wealth! - my mother's friend handed me right into my hands.
Oh you, golden childhood, gingerbread ...
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