How to define love faster
id: 10040334

Ukraine is rich with stories, legends and beliefs. We even have some special Slavic lifehacks of how to find a proper person, who will fall in love with you. For example, I like the legend of to find your love on Christmas.
Ukraine is a country that has its long history, and we have special Xmas traditions and rituals. On Xmas Night, ladies gather together and do magic... They lit the candles and put the wax drop into the water. If the drop turns into some shape,you can predict your future. If you see a ring, it means you will get married soon. If you see a heart, it means you will fall in love. If you see separate drops, it means, you will have many options for marriage. Also, girls can go out to the street at night and if they meet some man, one of the girls asks his name. The belief says, that it will be a name of your future husband! Of course, it's all just for fun, but I know many stories when ladies were marrying men with the same names! I believe that if you brush your hair and ask your life partner to come at night, you will see some special dreams. It's so mysterious, but very exciting!
