If you turn on TV or buy a magazine, you will notice that from the women who are on the covers of magazines to the women on News Chanel, they all look like being born from one mother, who forbade them to eat, forced them to whiten their teeth till blinding white, insisted on having their hair shinning even in the night and be an ideal for many others women who are not so lucky to be born with ideal restricted parameters. After watching all those models with ideal figures, every woman with one more kilo on her hips and not enough size in her upper body, will consider her as outstanding personality who can’t find a man loving her.
It is permanent pressure on female sex from society to be perfect and even criticism from a man’s side, giving without thought to offend, can turn into damaging of women’s self-confidence. Women are always vulnerable about all words pertaining to their appearance.
Are those your real breasts? You have such long nails, how do you put on clothes? Do you dye your hair? What size of foot do you have?
There are not good questions to catch attention of a woman that you like and definitely not ideal for asking her if you are not in very very close relation.
But is it only mass media and generally acknowledged “perfect look” force women all over the world to criticize themselves? Why do even beautiful women criticize themselves more then what men think about them?
Have you ever heard that even after receiving a compliment about her look (for example hair), a woman instead of saying “thank you”, begins to complain about her awful haircut or split ends. A woman playing it down, because she wants you to like all of her and not only her outside beauty or the next reason that she is waiting for another compliment))) Yes, all is so difficult with women’s brain!!! As Gregory A Hensen told “Women’s brains are like a 9 by 10 Rubik’s cube, they're confusing.”
The same is to the dating! Many men fear to be with a beautiful woman and especially to approach her first because they think they are not good enough. Women know it and try to become more approachable even using criticism towards themselves. Some of them really underestimate their look and don’t pay too much attention to their appearance, but another half try to show men that they are real persons and not only ideal shaped women.
Till time when women will understand that this is not a world of skinny with big breasts clones and that different men like different things on a woman, they will continue criticize themselves…
So, men, be patient and don’t try to understand women ))))
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