Of course, the easiest and most effective way to lose weight is to pull on a tracksuit, jump into your sneakers and run in the park until you are completely exhausted ... But I am not a supporter of torturing my body with such executions, I prefer softer and more natural ways to normalize weight. No, I do not refuse sports, but everything should be in moderation, and we will start losing weight with nutrition. There are just a few simple rules to follow.
First and foremost, do not eat after seven in the evening. Actually, to be absolutely precise, after five in the evening, but let's not dissemble, because we all know that it is almost impossible to adhere to such a rigid schedule.
The second rule is a light dinner, such as pumpkin puree soup, which will not only energize the body, but also promote fat burning. Do not be surprised, because pumpkin has long been known for its miraculous slimming properties. And you need to be really silly not to use such a simple, affordable, and most importantly natural means of losing weight. I recommend trying the amazing pumpkin recipe stuffed with minced meat and vegetables.
For the second boiled meat and some vegetable salad, and do not forget to fill it with balsamic vinegar, which also helps to burn fat faster and accelerate metabolism. Well, and on the third - green tea. I will not talk about the beneficial properties of green tea, everyone knows about this.
As you can see, losing weight can be enjoyable. Let's change the diet a little, add vitamins for weight loss, plus a little physical activity, and the fat playing on the sides will disappear by itself.
And yet, the third rule - do not set a goal for yourself not to eat anything in order to urgently lose 5 kg ..., do not tell yourself that from Monday or from this day and from this hour on you are going on a strict diet. Our body and our subconscious mind do not like such things. Any severe restriction provokes a response, and in the fight against oneself it is easy to lose. Therefore, we will not drastically change our habits, but gradually and painlessly return to our previous active and healthy life)))
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