There is no doubt that touch is vital for human beings. We had been need to feel caress since childhood. Countless blessings what give touching, may be the cause of our well-being.
Can you imagine how many different touches, we feel for each day when we are slapped, pushed, pat, shake, massaged, squeeze, grab, caressed, embraced, firmly pressed to us, kissed, took our hands and gently stroked, tickled, scratched, rap, loud slap, poked fist, pinched, etc.
Touches often convey the overall atmosphere of interaction. For example: if a woman touches to a man, it is regarded as a friendly gesture. However, men have a habit to overstate everything. Even a slight touch to shoulder only tips of her fingers can be perceived as an unambiguous sexual interest to this man. Of course, the body contact increases the attractiveness of the person, but, unfortunately, we rarely think about it. Women use the touches, with the aim to establish a relationship to support and establish social contacts, to encourage on greater affinity, or enhance the obligation. Men for their part use touches as an exponent status for self-determination and in the rituals of courtship. Tactile behavior of both sexes may vary depending on their intentions. Sometimes, for example, a man on a date eagerly takes the initiative and touches his partner to capture her, or perform a ritual courtship, but women beware first to touch him (it is look like you tactless woman!) on the first or second date. However, with the development of their relations, handshakes or other intimate touches, she can take the place of leader in this sense. In any case, all agree that the touches and erotic feelings are not only useful to the organism, but also vital.
Where to start petting a loved one? The action of touches begins with the skin. We may not realize it, but a lot of us are needed to correct some sides relationship precisely by using with their own bodies. It is very important that petting had not been faltering. Never "jump" from one erogenous zone to another, lifting your fingers from the skin, even if the contact is interrupted for a split second, your partner even so catches feel of the loneliness and uncertainty, and it destroys all the charm. Caress should be look like unhurried stroll through the skin a loved one. It should integrate all of his body. An inspiration and tenderness would lead you every time a new path. Completing a caress, do not stop contact immediately. Let your hand a little lie down on the skin of a partner. Try to insensibly pass from one petting to another. All your movements should be elusive, like a magician's gestures. If you want to change the rhythm, do it as gently as possible so as not to lose contact with your partner and not to destroy the pleasure. Hands are says. Leather is hears. It exults, catching the words: "I love you and so want to give you pleasure." The Art devoid of tenderness does not make sense. If your hands say: "Touching you, I think about other things," caress causing a feeling of unease. The Art devoid of thought is destructive.
We need to devote more time to loved ones, be able to touch them and give each other happiness of co pastime. Be happy, pat each other, love each other and give pleasure to each other.
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