Ukrainian Women vs. American Women
id: 12071
There is no comparison between Ukrainian women and American women. The American woman as a whole is quite spoiled. Our land has many more men and the American man courts their woman. The beautiful American woman are looking for a certain type. Money, manliness, looks, self confidence are at the top of their list. Ukrainian women look for heart. They look for someone who will be a good father to their children. They look for companionship.

As far as looks go there also is no comparison. Have any of you guys been to the Ukraine? How many unattractive women did you see during your stay? The Ukrainian woman enjoys keeping herself in shape for her man. American women could care less about this. Once they are married, they eat and eat and eat. Having children can lead to even more weight problems with American women. They simply do not look at the whole picture. They don't care about being attractive to their man after marriage. They only care about themselves as a whole. It is so evident when you walk the streets of any big city in the US.

I have seen it firsthand. The 2 questions that have already been answered for me is this. Do I want self absorbed unattractive American female with lots of baggage and kids of her own already? OR Do I want a beautiful Ukrainian woman who does just about anything to please her man?
