They are in a state of constant passive search or are waiting for a prince on a white horse, believing that their outstanding external data and internal qualities will attract the man of dreams and without advertising. However, in order to build a successful relationship, it is not enough for a woman to be outwardly attractive and charming - she needs to have the ability to present herself in such a way that she will be noticed and distinguished from others. It's like marketing - even the best product, to be bought, needs to be polished, ironed up and put in a prominent place, and then praised to those interested.
Your first goal is to get to know the man you like and attract his interest, captivate him with yourself and interest in communication. It is in communication that you can get to know each other well and understand whether you will make a good couple. In addition, talking is a great way to subtly tell a man about your merits and convince him that you are his ideal.
It is great to have in your arsenal some kind of preparation, an action plan for meeting a man, which you can use quickly and in any situation. You can also think about ways to meet in advance in different circumstances.
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