What is "love" to you ?
id: 10045866

Love is the foundation of all good things. If there was no love, the earth would be in chaos. True love sees no boundaries, there are no barriers for it.

For me, love is care and respect, responsibility and at the same time freedom, trust and closeness of the soul. Love cannot exist without trust, which is easy to lose. After all, if a person has betrayed, it is very difficult to treat him as before. Although, on the other hand, love forgives everything, even the most terrible things. The question is whether to continue to be with a person after his betrayal. Each person can choose to listen to the mind or to the heart. Often, contrary to feelings, connections with a loved one are interrupted. He is already far away and has not been around for a long time, but he is incredibly attracted to him.

Love for everyone is their own, native. It can be different: related, friendly, temporary and to the opposite sex. Kindred love is the strongest, especially the mother's love. A mother will go into fire and water for her child. Friendly love is sometimes even stronger than kinship. There are cases of friendship almost from infancy to old age. But it seems to me that this love just turned into a kinship. Just a person becomes the most native for you, you can trust him with the innermost. When we need help, we subconsciously think first of the person we love. As a child, this word is "mom". When the child falls or hits, he calls his mother. Even an adult, if something gets scared, calls mom, sometimes dad-it depends on how the person grew up.

When a person becomes mature both physically and mentally, there comes a period of falling in love. Often it is from fifteen years and older. Then for the first time a person feels this wonderful feeling. The feeling of elation when you want to do crazy things. In girls, this is manifested in the desire to take care of themselves and like the opposite sex. Outfits and cosmetics come to the rescue. In guys, this often manifests itself in the desire and cares about the girl who sympathizes. Sometimes, under the pressure of the hormone, boys, instead of caring for the object of adoration, on the contrary, mock and offend. In this way they suppress this feeling, run away from themselves. It is necessary to learn not only to give your love, but also to be able to accept it.

Whatever your love is, don't compare it to the one you've idealized before. Everyone has their own love, do not build illusions, learn to love and let yourself be loved.
