"A happy marriage is not that you live with the perfect person. The bottom line is that you're both mature enough not to focus on things like flaws." - Von Weaver
It is enough simply not to pay attention to the minor problems that exist in every family. And even more so, do not criticize each other because of the shortcomings. In happy marriages, people value in each of those unique traits for which they fell in love.
"Marriage can't make you happy by default. Only you can achieve this!" Dr. Les and Leslie Perrottet.
Daily routine can always be diluted with your favorite pastime, which will bring significant benefits to you both. You can't be happy when you're constantly complaining about something.
"A successful marriage is not the perfect combination of perfect people, no. These are just two ordinary people who know how to forgive each other with dignity." - Darlene Schacht
Forgiveness should not be underestimated because it is one of the most important elements of any happy marriage. If you constantly swear because of something, without letting go of the accumulated negativity, sooner or later your marriage will collapse.
"Success in marriage happens when you can become a trusted friend for your loved one, not just a likable cohabitor" - Barnett R. Brickner
Don't try to change your chosen one, because it will turn out to be sad for you. Just start doing the good yourself and everything will be in place. You will be surprised by the resulting effect!
"Marriage is not a noun, but a verb. You can't just find it. It needs to be earned. It is a show of sincere love between you," Barbara de Angelis said. Stop treating marriage as something personal. This applies not only to you, but also to your partner. You have to work on it together and put it first.
"The worst thing a person can do in a marriage is indecision in showing feelings. It's very important to say that you love your partner while you still have that opportunity." - Orlando Battista It's simple - let's relax and express your feelings as you can.
"Marriage is a semblance of a good wine, which becomes only better over the years," the unknown author says. Appreciate and enjoy every moment in your life together, because it will attract even more positive moments into your life. And that will make your marriage even happier and stronger.
"Marriage includes a lot of minor and barely noticeable little things, which he often keeps on. And they are able to generate strong love." - Sonia Shaad. For love does not need broad and loud gestures of feelings. Just pay attention to the little things.
"Marriage is like a big house, where light bulbs sometimes burn out. And if you find these light bulbs and spin them again, your personal life will shine in a new way," - an unknown author. Make sure that each of you invests in the relationship. Because there is nothing more expensive, and if you ignore it, you may regret such a decision in the future.
Marriage will only be happy when you can not avoid your obligations." - Dr. James Dobson It's as simple as that! Go to meet your beloved and do your part of the job. So you will conquer any peaks.
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