How to keep love in marriage
"A good marriage rests on talent and friendship" (F. Nietzsche)
Husband and wife should become close friends. It is wrong to marry just because there is a sexual attraction between a man and a woman. After a few years, bright feelings fade, and emotions calm down. And then the only thing that remains for passionate lovers is life, work and children. But none of the above can save a marriage. It is much better if people are connected by something more – a joint hobby, similar hobbies or even a common business. The main thing is that the spouses have something to talk about in addition to discussing the issues of washing dishes, cleaning the apartment and raising children.
"In a good family, a husband and wife forget during the day that they are lovers, and at night-that they are spouses" (Zh. Rostand)
It is believed that over time, the couple get used to each other, and the passion and romance that were at the very beginning of the relationship fade. But do not think that after three years of married life, you will start sleeping under different blankets at different ends of the bed. Couples who initially had a strong love and passion find a way to maintain a romantic relationship for many years. Feelings really calm down, but a reverent attitude, tenderness and affection towards each other should always be in a harmonious married couple.
"Happy is the marriage in which one half snores and the other half does not hear" (Don Aminado)
The answer to the question of how to save a marriage lies in the ability to ignore the shortcomings of your second half. Don't get hung up on the little things. Treat each other's mistakes with humor. Not always the cutlets come out delicious, and not always the nails are scored evenly, but this is not the most important thing. Treat each other's weaknesses leniently, it is better to focus on the advantages. And then, over time, everything will be perfect. The main thing is to live up to this moment, keeping love and warmth in the family.
"Marriage is an agreement, the terms of which are reviewed daily and approved anew" (B. Bardo)
Be sure to talk to each other. Discuss everything that is important to you. Learn to speak calmly and listen more. You do not need to put pressure on your soulmate, express your claims in an aggressive form or threaten to break up. If you constantly discuss everything that bothers you, I assure you, this will not have to be done. You will not accumulate the negativity that can throw you off balance. Just train yourself to speak out problems as soon as they appear. And then you will have more time and opportunities to fix everything.
"To marry means to reduce your rights twice and double your responsibilities" (A. Schopenhauer)
By marrying, people do take on certain obligations towards the newly created family. But this does not mean that the husband and wife should literally dissolve in this union without a trace. Spouses have certain obligations for the financial support of the family, upbringing and education of children, but each of them still has the right to self-realization, personal growth and development. You don't have to completely give up your interests for the sake of your family. Otherwise, all you will have left after the children grow up is broken dreams and broken hopes. The family should be a support for new achievements. Family relationships should give a person energy, and not take all the time and effort. Achieve personal success in your career or sports, and then you will really be able to respect yourself and be an authority for your children.
"Marriage opens your eyes to how to learn to close them" (L. Sukhorukov)
No need to try to control your other half. Family members should respect each other's personal space. The attempt of the spouses to control each other's actions will not lead to anything good. Family life is built on trust. It is also important to consider the wishes and requests of a loved one. In our life, crises and depressions are not uncommon. Sometimes it is very difficult to cope with them. And only the wisdom and understanding of a loved one, condescension to weaknesses, a sincere desire to understand and help can give strength to change the situation for the better. Pressure and rudeness in this case will only worsen the crisis.
"Lovers try to hide their shortcomings, but spouses too often show them to each other" (P. Boist)
Family life is not just about pots, pans and diapers. You do not need to allow everyday life to occupy all your personal space. It is completely wrong to believe that old sweatpants or a washed-out robe, which is a pity to throw away, can be worn at home. Showing care during illness, providing support in difficult times, the couple really see each other sometimes in an unsightly way and not with the most pleasant emotions. But after everything is left behind, you need to be able to return to family life the positive and joy of communicating with each other.
"Treason can be forgiven, but offense cannot be" (A. Akhmatova)
Many people are looking for an answer to the question of how to save a marriage after infidelity, believing that everything happens in life, and infidelity is not a reason to part. But is it worth preserving a marriage in which one of their spouses has behaved so lowly? If you still want it, you will have to overcome the feeling of hatred and pain from the betrayal of a loved one, and then forgive everything and try to forget as quickly as possible.
Family life is a complicated thing. And making a marriage happy is an art. But never, never believe that love passes! You love your parents all your life and always take care of your children. So, love does not evaporate anywhere, you just need to be able to keep it.
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