- 5 hours a week devoted to themselves reduce the manifestations of depression. When the body is beautiful, we feel happy. It's hard to get depressed when you ride a bike, play tennis, dance
- Throw away the excess - rise higher . To be the easiest and simplest way of development. By our own example, we show our relatives that we can make mistakes, be uncomfortable, not always cheerful and remain ourselves. -
- The sooner we stop living in the name of someone's expectations, the sooner our dreams come true.
In a healthy body - a healthy spirit! When our organs do not suffer from deficiencies, cells are filled with water, the intestines are healthy (it is in it that hormones of happiness are produced) we have desires and dreams to improve everything, starting with ourselves and ending with the Universe
- There are no negative feelings! There is our inability to understand the need behind emotion. Anger gives the most energy and occurs when something needs to change. It is not necessary to spend it on quarrels and dissatisfaction, it is better to ask yourself the question: "If I am angry, then some of my needs are not closed. What do I want to change?". And focus your energy on change.
This is exactly what I wish you in the new, 2021 year! Be happy in everyday, habitual affairs
And remember - your first friend - daily training and nutrition
What secrets of happiness do you have?
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