Why is a woman given tests ?
id: 10045866

How a woman copes with this pain depends on whether she will pass this initiation or not. And if it does not pass, the situation will return and intensify until the woman finds the courage to cope with it.

Initiation is the initiation of a woman-into a Woman. And the main task is to keep love in your heart. And this is in spite of everything, and at all costs. Do not become hard, angry, vindictive... You can't decide that life is g... and all men are assholes.

In order to keep love in her heart and increase it in all circumstances, a woman needs courage. A real man shows courage when he overcomes external obstacles, achieves goals or confronts the enemy. A real woman shows courage when she keeps within her heart the ability to love in all circumstances.

Initiation is always associated with pain. To give herself to her lover for the first time, a girl needs to go through pain. But after that, she becomes a woman.
To become a mother, a woman needs to go through pain. And this pain is considered natural and sacred.
It is also worth considering other types of initiation.
The highest level of female initiation is the experience of heartache. When we face betrayal, disappointment, loss of faith… There is a deep meaning in such trials of life. In these moments, it is very important for a woman not to lose the feeling of faith in herself as a Woman, to keep her heart capable of loving and preserving her female space within herself.
