Ukrainian Women Fitness Addicts vs. American Women Food Addicts
id: 12071
I agree that looks are not everything. A Ukrainian woman has so much more. They are faithful, sincere, and honorable. The kind of woman that you want to introduce to your family. American women, as a whole, usually look for a certain type of man. They look for that type of man they see on a commercial, out dancing, or the athletic type. They are much more likely to betray you. Why does America have the highest divorce rate? Because American women are mostly about the money. They will take the American Man to the cleaners any chance they get. I was asked recently by a Ukrainian woman about "The Prenumptial Agreement". This document was made to protect the American Woman. American women are spoiled and they are not willing to stay at home and take care of the children and cook. They can not be happy that way. They need something more. And they are always seeing the grass on the other side as being greener. Trust me, I have some experience with both Philipino women and Ukrainian women. There is not comparison between an American woman and the others. American women go for the throat. Trust me, they get whatever they want. If someone does something at all obtrusive, they scream sexual harassment and win. So, yes looks aren't everything, but a Ukrainian woman makes a much better companion.

This was taken from a website: The American Woman
unrealistic demands of spouses
* success oriented and materialistic
* don't take care of themselves
* lack of femininity

Ukrainian women, by contrast, are seen as being the exact opposite of this list — not too demanding of their husbands, less materialistic and more domestic, attentive to their appearance, and feminine. There is an element of truth to the stereotype many western men have that Ukrainian women are used to having to deal with drunken, boorish husbands who don't participate in housework or raising the children, and so any more or less decent, "average" western man is at a distinct advantage.

We (the American man) wants this. As a whole, we want to be a good father. We want to spend our life with someone who cares about themselves. We want feminity. We are at an advantage, but so are Ukrainian men. I just think that as an American Man we have seen what it is like courting an attractive american woman. It is MISSION IMPOSSIBLE! Why? They always look for something better. They do not look at the fact that we are good people.