In my life, there were a lot of examples of what an ideal relationship looks like.
Looking at my parents, I see the care between each other. My father always took care of us and my mother. He worked hard to ensure my sister and I have a happy future, a good education, and a carefree life. Since the moment my parents met, my father has given a bouquet of fresh flowers to my mother every day, because he knows that she loves their scent. He tries to spoil her regularly with gifts, maybe some are not very expensive in price, but burn her soul very much. My mother, in turn, is a wonderful housewife. She cooks incredibly delicious, loves to knit and sew. Throughout her life, no one else was even in her thoughts. Together they went through an incredible number of tests and it seems to me that their love will last forever.
The relationship between my sister and her husband is a little different. Their relationship is dominated by independence, personal boundaries, and respect for each other. Now is a completely different time and the relationship that our parents had will never be with us. Each of the couples became more selfish. But this is just my view of the world around us and couples in general.
But what kind of relationship will I have? What family is waiting for me? Do you believe that there is still hope to build a relationship like my parents?
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