What is the meaning of life?
id: 10043477

My meaning of life is self-improvement, because it is a constant discovery of something new, constant development, it means that I do not stand still, I do not degrade, I am constantly making new discoveries for me. what is the meaning of life for you?
In today's world, people have completely different values, people want something completely different, everyone wants to have great achievements and means of influencing other people, few care about others, few do good deeds. They have a lot of work, they are always busy and always in a hurry. Society has lost its moral values, people have begun to care only about their problems, they are only interested in themselves, their future. In a sense, people have become selfish. It is a pity that such a phrase "love your neighbor as you love yourself" has become irrelevant. Unfortunately, few people are worried about the fate of others, who will pay attention to a person who needs help or an animal that is dying of hunger. People are all busy with their daily affairs, and live by the principle "my house is on the edge, I know nothing", but as life shows, it is only until the trouble begins to concern them. It is a pity that people never think about the future, they can not predict the events that will happen to them. That is why people are indifferent and cruel. We must never forget that in any situation, we must first of all remain human. Maybe the purpose of life is to help those who need it?
