If this saying inspires you, you happily agree with it, you have a better chance of achieving happiness than those who skeptically thought something like "yeah ... ha ha ... where is happiness?" If you are among the second, then you are already disillusioned with life, and this needs to be urgently corrected!
The level of happiness is not influenced by material status, beauty or intellect. Feeling happy is an art. You can be smart, rich, beautiful, and completely unhappy. If you think that having a beautiful appearance and big money, you will instantly find happiness, you are mistaken. That is, you will gain it, but not for long, for a month or two. And then your level of happiness will return to normal. If you are used to moping, whining and bored, then with a lot of money you will do the same.
There are three areas of your happiness (motivation) strategy. This is either leadership, or service, or freedom. You will not change the direction, you just need to realize and take note of it. It will help you get to know yourself better and create your own personal way of achieving happiness.
Are you happy or are you just creating the illusion of happiness?
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