The correspondence somehow did not work out right away - he attacked with some pretensions, she snarled sarcastically.
- Some problem girl, you shouldn't mess with her, - he thought and invited her on a date.
- Ham tram! Now I'll be nasty in response and I will not correspond with him anymore, - she decided and, having received an invitation to a date, agreed.
All day she thought whether to go or not, was about to refuse, but could not think of any plausible reason.
He also wanted to call and lie, but there was still a whole hour before the scheduled business meeting, and he thought that a cup of coffee would not hurt, even if not in very pleasant company.
The coffee was quite decent, the atmosphere was tense.
- The girl seems to be nothing, for sex for a couple of times, he thought, and give her a lift to the house, since it was on the way to him.
- Today I will delete my profile from the site, tired of meeting such idiots, it's better to walk all my life, - she decided and got into the car.
Late in the evening, she went to a dating site to delete the profile and saw that it was also on the Internet.
“He’s texting with other girls, he probably didn’t like me,” she thought, and for some reason sighed sadly.
- She hunts for peasants, and he knew that there was no need to talk, - he decided, having seen her on the site, to meet again when both have more time so that they can calmly talk.
She agreed and they made an appointment tomorrow at the same cafe. During the day, he called several times, wanted to cancel the meeting, but at first she did not answer, then her number was unavailable.
- Some kindergarten, if you don't want to talk, you didn't have to agree to a date, - he got angry and decided not to call again.
She was about to leave work when she discovered that the phone was dead - there was not enough time, and they did not agree on where and what time they would meet. She rushed home, put the phone on charge and immediately called him back - the number was busy, she was able to get through only twenty minutes later. He answered irritably that he had been sitting in a cafe for a long time and if she did not appear in 10 minutes, he would simply leave.
- An adult solid man, but he behaves like a child! In spite of that, I won't go, let him sit there alone, in his stupid cafe, - she got angry and ran to the subway, since it was next to the house.
She arrived half an hour later, he was still sitting in a cafe and they talked for a long, long time.
- And he’s okay, quite an interesting and attractive man, not really my taste, but sometimes drinking coffee and chatting is fine, - she thought.
“I’m never going to meet this erratic, disorganized girl again, even for sex,” he finally decided for himself and invited me to go to the cinema tomorrow.
A week later, after bowling, he brought her home and she invited him to come in and see how she lives.
- What a cool one! It's good that she wrote first - I would never have thought that such an amazing girl could be hidden behind such a gray profile, - he thought in the morning and invited her to go somewhere next weekend.
- We must throw it as soon as possible, until it gets too long. Now I’ll say that I’m late for work, let me get out as soon as possible, ”she decided and went to prepare breakfast.
A month later, he invited her to his home.
- Cool apartment, and the owner is nothing, he makes coffee so sexy, I would move without hesitation, - she dreamed, smiling.
- Horror, what is not economic! She did not wash the dishes in the evening, did not make the bed in the morning - he thought she would move in with him too, promising to drive her to work every morning.
A year later, they decided to celebrate the anniversary of their acquaintance.
- Something we have not quarreled for a long time, it’s even strange that everything is so good, - she thought, taking out of the oven her signature dish, which he adored.
- Who came up with this stupid romance? Can't you just have a beer and watch football? - he thought, lighting the candles and checking for the hundredth time, did not forget to put the ring under her napkin ...
Everyone - meet your little man on the net !!!!
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