Any relationship can be long-term and high-quality only in one case: if people's values coincide.
If a person is governed by lower-level values: money above all, satisfaction at any cost, indulgence in his whims, he is worthy of an appropriate attitude to it. This is not a full-fledged personality.
Neither reason, nor intellect, nor education in themselves determine the values of the highest level. These values are formed from inner purity and fullness, from constant work on yourself. They make man not just a living being, but a Man. Only high-level values: dignity, respect, self-respect, strength of will and strength of spirit, conscience - set high vibrations of the soul and make a person pure and bright.
If it didn't sound like it, but such people can't live, be friends, work with dirty characters. They will never be able to understand them. They will inevitably seek to suppress and destroy. The unconscious is many times more powerful and stronger than the superconscious.
Choose people of your level of values, and you will be happy!
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