You are worth it!
id: 10036756

People always hesitate and change their opinion. Today you are the coolest one in your group of friends, and tomorrow you stay alone at home... And you even have nobody to talk to. Why does it happen? Well, in most cases we just listen to public opinion. I wish all people could stop doing that! We are the masters of our lives, and we should not depend on somebody's point of view. I was told I would never find a foreign man because I spoke no English. I am sure there are some men who think they are not filthy rich, so they do not deserve the best women. No, we shouldn't judge people by their knowledge, skin color, job position, or house size. We should see the most important feature in our partner's eyes: the ability to live. When you fall for someone, you get rid of all prejudices. Nothing else matters when you feel a strong feeling for this person. I beg all people to stop hesitating! Even if you have a low self-estimate, please, believe in yourself! You can find your love because you are worth it!
