There is no hurry. Anything that happens quickly doesn't last long.
id: 10046521

A quickly built house that begins to fall apart in six months - instead of a detailed construction, selection of building materials, taking into account the characteristics of the terrain and climate.
Rapidly arising sexual passion that disappears after one night - instead of cautiously approaching and recognizing each other when there is a chance for something more than one orgasm.
Haste devalues ​​what was, not allowing to be filled, to feel the taste of life, which can be both sweet and bitter. But this is the taste of life.
Any big business has an aftertaste, and if you don't feel it, don't feel it, don't give yourself time for it, then it's as if there was nothing.
Everything takes time - it takes time and leisurely attention. Rapid reactions, impulsive responses - they all rely on previously stored templates, on illusions about how and what another person works.
I can see the other only by slowly approaching and observing the reciprocal movement: towards me, from me, or watchful, attentive expectation.
The first impulse is sometimes wrong" or just slow down. This does not mean that any impulse is evil. After all, life is not only a leisurely flow of the rhythm of nature, when the sun rises from century to century, seasons change, and "everything returns to normal." It is the spontaneity of the dance, in which we release the accumulated fatigue and regain body freedom. A good impulse is one that has matured, one that has been prepared, not by feverish efforts, but by gradual ripening.
The birth of a butterfly is preceded by the pupal stage. You can, of course, quickly and effectively glue the wings to the caterpillar, but it is unlikely that she will be able to use them. Spontaneity, freedom in movement and feelings ripen, and not "roll", and this is how I distinguish spontaneity from impulsivity, when the impulse is given from the outside and, without refraction in the soul, sharply provokes action.
There is no hurry. Anything that happens quickly doesn't last long.
