I'll tell you a little about my hobbies
id: 10046106

Hello everybody! Today I would like with pleasure to tell you about my hobbies in life and believe me there are really a lot of them.
I am a very active person in life, I cannot just sit in one place. I hope at least someone here will understand me and I'm not the only one who always goes somewhere and does something, Lol.
And so my first hobby is modern dances in the style of contemporary. I really like this gentle style of dance and I enjoy every move! Do you love or have seen this style? In my opinion, a more feminine dance still needs to be found.
My second hobby is everything related to snow. I really like skiing, canoeing and snowboarding.
In my opinion, if you didn't go canoeing in winter, then you lost the whole winter. Do you like such hobbies?
And of course my favorite is to go all day to new cities in this world. Travel fills us very much and the only thing I can advise you is TO TRAVEL!
And then every person will feel happy.
