In our time of high technologies and permissiveness, we have ceased to be people, we have lost our soul. We are a little worried about other people's problems and other people's grief, we have become indifferent to the people around us. We are fighting useless wars, we are ruthlessly killing each other every day and hour. In response to our indifference, to our cruelty, nature responds to us with reciprocity and a series of endless natural disasters. We have forgotten how to love, unfortunately, people of the 21st century are led only by self-interest and a thirst for pleasure, simple walks and awkward hugs have long become out of fashion. We are of little interest in the inner world of a person standing next to us, it is much more important to assess what he is wearing and what kind of car he has. No matter how bitter it was to realize this, but we have lost our human appearance, every year, with every tenth we become more and more like wild animals, ready to tear each other to pieces at any second. Before it is too late, we must take the path of correction and be supportive and peaceful towards the people around us, for this is our salvation.
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