What does it mean to be a real woman?
Who is a real woman?
What does it mean to fill a man with the energy?
For a long time, a woman was considered an energy vessel that fills a man. It is not a secret that a man lives, reaches heights and goals with the blessing of a woman or sinks to the very bottom because of a womans curse.
In my understanding, if a woman wants to meet a «real» man, in every sense of «this» word, she must be a «real» woman too. Who is she? What is she like? Here is the answer. Every man wants to meet - "the right woman". And every man will list plus or minus the same qualities: interesting, feminine, loyal, beautiful and wise. Personally, I understand it this way, she should be harmonious in everything and, most importantly, with strong energy - not that one that shocks, but the one that fills a man with this energy. Only this kind of energy can charge a man for new achievements. The exchange of energies is inevitable in the right relationship. The main thing is that this exchange would be beneficial to both, and not so that someone feeds on energy and someone is depleted.
Only a happy woman can be filled with the energy that makes wonders. Her energy is accumulated through the mans efforts. It is like interdependence. When a woman gets surprises, flowers, compliments, romantic evenings - all this fills her energy. She is happy. After all, you have a happy full woman, she shines like a diamond! Next to such a woman, a man will always be successful, no matter what.
If a woman wants to meet a «king», then she must at least be a «queen». Moreover, in every sense, both externally and internally. No self-respecting woman will fill with her energy someone who is not able to accept it. I would even say differently, there will be no sense in filling. You will not be able to fit 1 liter of water into a tea cup, so that it will not spill. The same with the men, it makes no sense to fill with the energy the one whose capacity is too small. This circuit works also conversely, if a woman is empty, she cannot fill a man, even with a small capacity.
What kind of energy will you ask? I can also answer this question. Each woman has four emotional states.
1. «woman – housewife»;
2. «woman – partner»;
3. «woman - lover»;
4. «woman - child» (a little helpless girl).
The main thing is not to confuse where to use each position. In order for a man to feel needed, confident and supported. If, for example, it does not go well at work, then it is necessary to fill a man with the energy of a “woman- housewife”. If a man needs ability and a desire for new achievements, he need the energy of a “woman-partner”, because only a true «queen» is able to appreciate the mans achievement and goals or helps him with these ones. Many women think about how to keep a man. He does not need to be held, because a man feels it and sooner or later he will run away anyway. In this case, he should be filled with the energy of love and desire, and this can only be the energy of a "woman-lover". It is beautiful linen, an unforgettable night and, he will not look at another, because no one self-respecting «king» would cheat on his queen with a frivolous and easily accessible simpleton. And lastly, every woman wants romance, care, support, attention. To get this, the man should get with the energy of a “woman-child”. So that he would take responsibility for her and show care. This gives a woman transformed energy that she needs. Lets summarize. It is easy to be a real woman, the main thing is to know the little secrets, to be feminine and most importantly gentle.
That is how I understand the phrase "real woman."
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