All day I thought about Tenderness. I wanted to catch it, capture it, rethink it, share it ... feel it.
In the very word "tenderness" there is something touching, disarming. But it can be different, most often - uncontrollable.
For example, I am making a lesson plan or checking my students' homework, and then you send me a letter with the wishes of a good day. And - bang - the pyramid of affairs collapses and a blissful silly smile appears on the face. And I look at the monitor mentally kissing you. And tenderness embraces me.
Or I braid my daughter's pigtails, and her head smells of sun, shampoo and, as it were, milk. And I can’t imagine how I didn’t know what it was to be a mother, how I lived before, before her appearance, and how I would live later, when she had her own family. And again tenderness covers me, the tenderness of this moment will preserve my memory forever.
Fondness for books and their crunchy pages, smelling of dust and stories. Tenderness to animals, tenderness to old, worn-out things, tenderness hidden in music ... Tenderness is a feeling that lives in each of us. Lives on memories, hopes and expectations. Tenderness is almost always about love. Tenderness is disarming and empowering. Tenderness…
Which one is your tenderness?
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