Each person represents friendship in their own way. But with the slightest influence of friends on the husband, the wife will have to turn them into allies. Some men meet with friends on weekends, other friends come to your home, with others it is pleasant to relax together in the bath, in the bar or on a fishing trip
In order not to be a competitor in the competition for the attention of a loved one, not to waste time and effort, it is better to just figure out how not to make your husband's friends enemies. To do this, you should first find out what the relationship between them is. Let's look at some examples:
1)If your husband's friends constantly need something from him: to repair the car, to lend money, most likely, your beloved is an eternal sponsor or an unrequited assistant, who is always exploited. You will have to open the eyes of your spouse, but do it gradually, without imposing your opinion, occasionally showing in which cases he is doing wrong. Over time, everything will change, and he will realize that he was wrong.
2) There are situations when your husband spends time in the company as when he was single. If friends meet "on neutral territory" - this is still nothing. But it is dangerous when they are attracted to your home, they are embedded in your living space, often come to you and stay up late. At the same time, you are used as a target for barbs, servants around the house. You can deal with this situation in several ways, but in such a way that you do not quarrel.
I offer several options to rebuild the company for yourself:
1)Not to be superficially hurt, to keep it together. To respond to taunts, if possible, ironically, but not to be rude, so as not to cause aggression. So you will show that you should not get on your tongue.
2) Talk separately with each member of the company, find out what he breathes, his problems, praise him for his strengths. This will allow you to gradually turn your husband's friends into your friends. But don't flirt, it's not too good.
3) For drastic measures, you can find the best qualities of your husband in his companions and praise them several times in the presence of your spouse. As a result, he will be less likely to invite such people, so that they do not reduce his importance in your eyes.
Experts offer several ways to make your husband's friends allies. For example:
1)spend time together on vacation, engage in common responsible activities: raising children, serious shopping, home improvement;
2) show his friendship in a mirror image, play a small performance so that the spouse sees the negative sides of the friends;
3)go fishing with your husband, come up with other joint hobbies.
Friends of the husband: enemies or allies– this is a question that is solved by the joint efforts of both spouses. The best option is when the family has friends in common. Joint events for family and friends bring together previously strangers, make them very close.
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