Love or attachment?
id: 10046598

We are all, every one of us ordinary until someone, for some reason, wants to love us. And they make us special. We all come of our own free will, and we leave because of his absence. You don't change, and the world doesn't change. It's just that at some point you become needed, with all your desires, emotional impulses, and an unstable psyche.
Relationships shouldn't be a burden. With a person it is either easy or not. Either good or not. And if you see that this relationship is strangling you - leave. Don't turn your relationship into attachment. Yes, it will be hard. Who said it would be easy?
Happiness from other people is a kind of drug. If there is a person, then we are happy, no - we are unhappy. And the mechanism for finding one's own person starts up again.
The main criterion for a healthy relationship is the quality of communication. Everything else is attention, responsibility and care. If you can discuss everything with your partner, everything in general, without judgment, without blame and without subsequent reminders, then you are very lucky or you are ripe to be in a relationship in love and hormones.
When love happens, people can talk for hours about everything. Doubts, worries, insecurities, hopes. True intimacy is that you can be open with others as you are with yourself. In a relationship, there should be understanding of each other, sympathy, support, so that both listen to the opinion of their loved one. If this is not all, leave. Don't hurt yourself. Life will break you more than once.
So choose what you want: be loved and love, or be dependent on another.
