And then one day a familiar officer visited this woman, looked at all her efforts and promised to teach how to make white socks always look like new. The next day, the woman happily hands him the dirty socks, he takes these socks, throws them into the bin and takes new ones out of his pocket.
The secret to the perfect white socks turned out to be simple: wherever you need to be in perfect white socks, you put on new virgin socks. In all other places you wear black, pink, purple, polka dots, stripes, unicorns and turtles.
This is the perfect solution. Do not be killed where you can not be killed.
I am in favor of making my life as simple as possible and myself as difficult as possible. Complicate yourself by developing as a specialist, as a creator, develop your brain and your skills. Develop your thinking and train yourself constantly.
If you need to be in white socks, be in white socks. If you have to put in a lot of unreasonable effort to be in white socks, then this is not a strategy. If you have to kill yourself for something that can be solved with one trip to the store, then this is again a so-so strategy.
Listen to good music. Read good books. Watch good movies. Learn. Go in for sports. Hug your loved ones. Call your parents. Be kind to yourself. Often the standards we try to adhere to are unattainable. It is important to recognize that you are already trying, you are doing a lot for yourself.
Show yourself mercy, buy a pack of white socks for when you need to stand beautifully. Spend the rest of your time on the really important things.
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