Look into the future ...
id: 10046632

I love sunrises, I love watching a fireball rolling out of nowhere, illuminating everything around with its radiance, the sun is not yet visible, and the morning fog is already being cut by bright flashes of glow, it looks like the birth of the sun, right? And I also love sunrises with you ... side by side, in an embrace, wrapping myself in your jacket, looking with half asleep eyes at one point with you and feeling your delight, the beating of your heart, how it begins to beat joyfully at the first signs of a blossoming dawn. I like this picture, I like being its main characters, I like that at this moment you always hold me as if you are afraid to lose the most important thing ... Me ... You know, and before the sunrises were different, not so bright, we also all night admiring the stars, waiting for this moment, also listening to music, but everything was paler and you and I were paler, completely different. We have changed and everything around has changed. Do you understand me? I know you understand everything ... you feel the slightest shade of my mood, you don't even have to speak, we understand everything without words, I look into your eyes and see how the sun grows in them, my sun, it is the most beautiful and brightest! And it does not blind ... no ... it shines joyfully in response to me ... every day ... every God's day! After all, only we know that my sun is YOU! Only in your rays I bathe, not afraid to get burned, because your rays caress only me. After all, in order to shine for people you need me ... WITHOUT ME YOU ARE NOT ... AND ME WITHOUT YOU ...
