The list of the main human values, as a rule, includes family, stable financial situation, career, confidence in the future, friendship, aesthetic and spiritual values, self-realization and personal development, love, health, youth. But everyone sets priorities differently. Which of them come to the fore depends largely on the age, social status and even gender of the person.
The “female” system of values ​​differs in many respects from the “male” one. If for men the dominant life reference is career, then for the fair sex it is the family. This is largely due to the traditions and stereotypes that have developed in society. After all, women who have managed to create their own “cell of society”, abandoning attempts to build a career, are perceived by others as a common phenomenon, but if the situation is the other way around, then this is already considered a kind of deviation from the norm. Failure to meet the expectations of society causes a woman to have a clear or latent feeling of inferiority. As a result, a woman either starts a family under pressure from her parents, or goes her own way, but those around her look at her as a black sheep and a failure. Thus, society can impose on us some values ​​that are not peculiar to us.
Health and youth also become forced values ​​- when a person reaches old age. While he is young and full of strength, he takes this state for granted, without thinking about how valuable it is, if he is overtaken by a disease or the mirror begins to relentlessly remind him of the years he has lived, then the value systems are at the forefront health and an attempt to hold on to the elusive beauty. By the way, beauty and youth as a value are also a typical distinguishing feature of the women's hierarchy of priorities.
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