Good and evil are the eternal irreconcilable companions of humanity, who cannot live without each other. Every day we encounter these manifestations in our daily lives.
Both of these concepts are the same for all times and peoples, tested by time. Good is immortal, because by good deeds we save our souls. Evil is perishable, vicious and insidious, because in recent times it has learned to disguise itself as good, luring many into its nets with cunning and deception. Especially young souls, who today are quite difficult to understand where the truth is, and where it is a clever fake.
Whether there are limits to good, I think not. But the false good, filled with falsehood and self-interest-by all means.
If we give help, thinking to get something in return, then it is no longer good. Or, for example, we turn a blind eye to meanness and rudeness, and other unacceptable actions, wanting to look in the eyes of others silently-kind. Here you need to clearly draw the line between good and its forgery.
To give a person without a fixed place of residence alms or not to give, will he not buy alcohol? I don't think it's any of our business what he spends it on. Perhaps, after drinking the bitter cup to the bottom, drunk, he will feel the happiest on Earth. He will warm up in the bitter cold, forget at least for a moment that he has no home and he has nowhere to go, poor fellow… Imagine yourself in his position, at least a week or two without water, soap, bed, food… But he, too, once had a family and an apartment, and friends. Where are they now? And where is the guarantee that you and I, so good, smart and well-fed, will not fall on one terrible day to the very bottom of life, where injustice and hopelessness rule the ball, and human indifference.
Good is selfless, moral, and merciful. It is designed to take care of other people and must be boundless, sincere, hidden, and most importantly, authentic! Love and be loved! You should always start with yourself!
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