according to psychologists, a person needs a person for happiness. No matter how self-sufficient a girl is, she will not be able to say that her life is complete without a second half. This article will help you formulate exactly why you need a man, and what benefits his appearance will bring to your life
Being self-sufficient and independent on the one hand is good. Few people in this state will want to be in a dependent, complex relationship. At the same time, such a role forces you to lead a certain lifestyle, to be always fully armed and does not allow you to relax. Such a woman loses her feminine qualities: sensitivity, tolerance, softness. This is contrary to nature itself. But being paired with the same mature man, will be able to discover new facets.
If we talk about full-fledged love and relationships, the presence of another person in life allows you to fill and enrich each other, exchange experiences and positive emotions.
No matter how you deny the need for another person, you can identify at least 5 reasons why a woman needs a man. And if you have doubts, then perhaps they will help you make the right decision.
Each of them individually or together, this is already a reason to reconsider your opinion.
1) Increase your attractiveness. Having a partner encourages you to look good and take care of yourself. A new relationship is a great reason to finally sign up for fitness, put your figure in order and get a new haircut.
2) Cash cushion. Even if you are able to provide for your needs on your own, you should not refuse the gifts that the chosen one presents during the courtship period. And in the future, you can always count on financial support in any situation. That will give you the opportunity to exhale, relax and just have fun.
3) Reliability and support. Every girl wants to feel close to a guy, as if behind a stone wall, to know that she has someone to lean on. After all, friends and girlfriends will not always come to the rescue. But here we are talking only about those who will not escape at the first difficulties.
4)No matter how successful you are, your friends will still look with sympathy, because there is no other half. And on a holiday where couples gather, it is better not to come alone, so that you feel comfortable and do not answer numerous questions.
5) A loved one is primarily a friend with whom you can consult, share your worries and problems. You can trust him with things you can't tell your friends.
The question of why a woman needs a man can be answered by talking only about a specific person. If it is with him that it is good, comfortable, you feel how you are changing and revealing new qualities, then this person is necessary in your space.
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