1. They just want to be free
It is difficult for people with this attitude to enter into a relationship that will reach the altar. Such people"don't owe anyone anything." They are disgusted by any situation that restricts their freedom.
2. Selfish
I am the universe. A relationship is a mutual contribution and work of two partners. It will be difficult for selfish natures to keep a person who could sacrifice himself for the sake of meeting his needs, and not for the sake of meeting the needs of the family.
3. I'm not the same person anymore
As we get older, we become more intolerant of certain actions of people. If at a younger age we could be more loyal to our partner, then as we grow up and gain experience, we become more demanding: "I don't like that he slurps when he eats, he shuffles his feet and doesn't close the tube of toothpaste," etc.
4. Don't want commitment
People who do not want to commit themselves, it is also difficult to enter into a marriage relationship. "If I get married, I'll have to..."
5. Don't want to be responsible
Only people who are aware of who they are and understand why they are doing it can afford to take responsibility for other people.
When a person lives being unsure of himself, then it will be difficult for him to take responsibility not only for others, but also for himself.
6. High standards "I want him to be tall, broad-shouldered, rich, smart, kind and ...". When a woman has formed an image of a man with whom she wants to be close, the slightest deviation from her standard leads to unrealized relationships.
7. Unhealthy self-esteem. "I am 50 years old, but I want a boy of 20 years old, beautiful, athletic," or "I am 45 years old, and I want a young, slender wife and to be smart and efficient." I have outlined only a few reasons, but in fact there are many more. If you see one of these reasons in your loneliness, then try to deal with it. You can do this with the help of a psychologist or on your own.
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