What do women like and dislike in men?
Every woman has her own conception of the perfect man. Nevertheless the image of ideal man
for all women is endowed with the same incontestable virtues. Every woman wants to see the
true man beside her: strong, reliable, tender, kind, cultured, clever and attentive. The main
demand is availability of true masculine temper.

As a rule women don’t like effeminate men who have female features in their disposition and
behavior, in appearance and habits in despite of outward male attributes. Infantile men also don’t
cause sympathy, men who don’t correspond to their age. Self-enamoured narcissus, nervous,
quick-tempered, irritable, capricious, weak-willed men also don’t attract the ladies.

But what character traits most of all make an impression on the majority of women?

Sense of humor. Who doesn’t like men who can make you laugh? Women live with emotions
and prefer to express them with crying or laughing. Of course the second is more preferable. If
woman laughs – she’s already half won.

Intellect. Wit is sexy, that’s why smart men are more preferable. Women like to listen while
men are speaking about different topics, their interesting plans and ideas. The mind can be very
attractive to women, but only if it’s used correctly! One right and at the proper moment said
buzzword – it’s several times better than the constant showing off his "genius" aptitudes.

Ability to listen to the interlocutor. Women appreciate when men are able to keep attention and
listen to them, ‘cause this is the key to the mutual understanding.

A sense of adventure. The opposite to this point is boredom. The most women are looking
for men who can offer them something more than workaday routine. They are attracted by
everything interesting, unusual and fascinating. They want to escape from everyday life! And if
you can offer them the solution of this problem – then they will like you at once.

Romantic. But romance is not only flowers once a week! Romance is the perfect way to show
woman how much she means to you, and romance can be very effective if used wisely. Don’t
look at her only superficially, look deep into her soul. Learn to adapt to women emotionally and
you'll be able to speak the right words at the right time.

Anyway the most important thing is to be yourself. And when you’ll meet the right woman, she
will love you with all your advantages and disadvantages no matter what.