Some people will think a hundred times before letting someone into their lives. Others, having burned themselves more than once, still trust everyone and everything. Of course, a lot depends on our character and worldview. But what if you find it difficult to trust even your beloved man? Most often, our mistrust is based on past experience.
Trust is the foundation of personal relationships. Without him there would be no friendship, love, relationship, family. But in his absence, there would also be no disappointment, resentment, and other negative feelings. If you don't trust, then you are waiting for a catch. But it also means that you are ready to face the trouble. Yet people are looking for trust and want to learn to trust.
Unfortunately, there are no lessons of trust yet. You either trust or you don't. After all, when you believe your soulmate, your nerves are more whole, and the mood is always in good shape, and the relationship has a chance to last longer. Indeed, according to statistics, the first reason for parting is distrust, jealousy, suspicion. If this is a “feigned” distrust, then everything is simple: stop watching cheap soap films and TV shows with love triangles (they really affect your subconscious mind destructively, that is, they cause dullness, and have a winding effect, that is, they cause a desire to do what you don't need); stop listening to the stories and advice of your friends (even the best), you have your own head on your shoulders and no one except you knows how best to act in your situation; and finally, stop inventing something that may not even be there, trust proven facts, and not what you have invented for yourself. Communicate more with your loved one, put yourself in his place, and if you find something suspicious in his behavior, talk about it with him. In general, this is all that I can advise on this matter, or rather how I would act in such a situation. But as mentioned above, there is either trust or it is not.
If you don't believe him, maybe it's better not to torture him or yourself?
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