Man cannot exist separately without nature. The globe is a man's home. Here he has everything he needs for life; air, water, food. But unfortunately, a person often forgets about this, and treats his planet as if he will amaze, he destroys the surrounding nature, forgetting that it is she who gives him life. Why cut the branch on which you are sitting? Previously, a person thought that natural resources are inexhaustible, and you can take everything from nature, and at the same time in huge quantities. But it turned out to be not so. Nobody thought how you can take so much without giving anything in return? Oh no, in return, of course, nature received mountains of garbage, toxic emissions into the atmosphere, soil, water. Now man begins to realize his mistake. He understands that he needs to take care of his home, because many generations still want to live on this earth. They want to breathe clean air, drink clean water, and admire the world around them. The most important task of humanity is to take care of the world around us. Our globe should still remain blue, it should not be gray. Preserving nature is a rather difficult task in our time, since people behave frivolously in relation to it, but I want to believe that everything will change for the better.
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