Girls from Eastern Europe are puzzles that fun to solve!
id: 10011101

America and Western Europe are very strong feminized image of powerful, business women, careerists that sits deep in the girls’ mind. So Russian women are not strong and independent, aren’t they?? Our girls from Eastern Europe, really strong! The strength of our girls is in love and support, woman in Russian culture is the center of family. Our girls are passionate, sexy, and temperamental, that in charge of the traditional family structure where the man is the head of the family and the woman is the homemaker, strong nature, that in their own words and actions often lead men to confusion. We are like a puzzle that you will solve through the life.
What will lead to the war of the sexes? After all, the equality of women comes, in fact, with the progress of mankind, when physical strength is not as important for success in life. In the modern world it is becoming increasingly important skills and knowledge, and the woman can reach professional heights, exactly as a man. Besides the influence of Western culture, a good stimulates this process. I think, what to choose a Woman's a private matter, and probably most importantly, what would a person like her character, external and internal, and nationality is a secondary matter. Language, in my opinion, is not a barrier. For a person, if he or she wants to grow as a person, it is important to learn foreign languages ​​throughout life.
The difference in cultures and education - that will make sweat!
A simple example: if at the United States naturally friends buy a birthday cake to a celebrator, in Ukraine we have the other tradition - the birthday celebrator buys it to share with him friends. Where is the logic? Why the one who has a birthday is, must spend half a day at the stores and in the kitchen to feed and entertain friends?
But we really are the product of the culture in which we grew up and depend of it.
Like a kind of symbiosis between the two cultures, where the woman and the man in a relationship are partners and can provide each other financially, if one of the partners encounter financial difficulties.
Among this diversity you could find any girl to your taste! It doesn’t depend of her nationality!
Men!! Choose the one that is closer to you, to your ideas and thoughts about life!
And you will be happy!
