Forbidden fruit or all truth about our desires

Have you ever been afraid to tell your real desires to people, to your partner? Have you ever been afraid to be misunderstood by your friends and close surrounding?

I think all people from time to time face with this but are there enough people between them who are not afraid of telling what they want and especially in their sex life?

Have you ever felt uncomfortable in telling something personal to your partner and proposing to try something new?

Threesome, using sex toys, public places and so on... There are so many different combinations to try and that are spinning in our mind. But they are still stay as a forbidden fruit for many men and women. It is commonly to think that women are more reserved and feel uncomfortable about talking on such intimate themes. Is it so true? I can’t agree with this. Women are also breathers and they want to have a full sex life as men as well. And why it should be something bad if both partners can get a piece of pleasure from it?

You don’t need to hide your desires only cause of the reason that someone can think bad of you or you can be misunderstood… It is better to say one time and be free in your thoughts than to hide all it deep inside and always live in fear.

It is impossible to improve something more natural than sexual relation between men and women, but if sex is so natural why then there are so many books about how making it right?)))) Maybe cause of low education on this theme from the early age or that people got used to hide their desires and don’t know how to start a talk….

Thousands of reasons for everybody, thousands of reasons to avoid, hide and don’t tell, but we have also one reason to do all that we wish. We live only once.

A frankly talk with your partner on such a theme can lead not always to good results and immediately decision to try; it can lead also to unpleasant consequences. But is so important for you to stay in a relation with a person who don’t understand you and with whom you will always conceal a part of your personality? You can miss out on experiencing something new, dare, forbidden and cause of this so desirable, you can regret but it will be too late to change something. So don’t miss a chance to be free in your thoughts and life, to be with a person who will understand you in all aspects and share your longings.

On a dating site men and women have a great opportunity to find out a lot of things and even the most intimate on the early stage in a relation and don’t wait till the golden anniversary. Dating online, you are not bound by obligations (except if you want). The best advice that I can give is not too wait too long before sharing your dreams and desires with a man/ a woman who you chose. A fruit can be forbidden, but not illegal!
