Precisely to the homeless, because the house is not a place of residence where you can always return, it is rather a living warmth with open arms, which always waits, rejoices at a meeting, dreams of clinging to such a native shoulder and forgetting all your worries and problems beyond the "embrace" threshold, to merge at least for a while with "their home".
Everyone dreams of love, at the same time confusing the concepts of "love", for "love" is a noun with all thoughts and feelings, with desires and emotions, and "love" is a verb, an action, which means first of all, try, and only then everything else. Try not to harm your loved one, try to take care, try to understand, try to help. With mutual love, this means "find your home."
Some have gone so far as to regard the concepts of "love" and "possessing" as synonymous. Others went even further, for them "to love" means to crush under oneself, to remake in their own way, to achieve the object of their feelings at any cost. It is regrettable. It is even more regrettable that individuals, having read on the Internet notes that love must be achieved and, literally, conquered, follow these advice, completely ignoring the most important rule - not to harm a loved one.
The most amazing thing is that at the same time they feel like hunters, conquerors and conquerors, satisfying their own ego, completely not thinking about the desires and feelings of those whom they are going to submit to their own strength, intelligence or cunning. What kind of love can we talk about if a person feels morally raped after such an onslaught?
"To love" is, of course, an action, in an extreme case, inaction, when it is impossible to act, but this is in no way an intrusion into the inner world of a loved one, and in no way is violence "in the name of love." This is not a cut of a loved one, like a precious stone, in order to give him the desired gloss and shine, it is more like growing flowers, gentle and caring, where every wrong step can break the one and only, such beloved creature.
I want to wish each person "to find their home" and try to protect it, caring for and protecting from bad weather, sheltering from the cold, protecting from heat and cherishing like a favorite fragile flower.
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