If I knew how difficult the path would be, perhaps I would have stopped somewhere at the very beginning, but this unbridled thirst for knowledge and innate curiosity kept urging me on to go forward, to find out how this maze would end, what awaits me there, beyond the horizon. ... So many turns and obstacles, so many times I stumbled and was ready to fall into the abyss, but someone's invisible hand seemed to pull me back, returning me to the path, as if saying that it was not time to finish my path, that I had to go forward no matter what. And how many bruised knees and bruised elbows there were, how many bumps! Now it is simply stupid to stop there, maybe the end is already near, and something delightful awaits ahead ?! Can't be bad all the time ?! So you can't give up! Only forward, no matter how painful and scary, no matter how life kicks you, you don’t know what awaits you around the next turn of the labyrinth, you don’t know the white field or the black one, and if it was bad before, then it will definitely be good. All my life, fields are replacing each other, all my life they alternate, and if the black for some reason was too large, then there will necessarily be the same ahead, only white ... you just have to reach it. Do not lose heart and do not lose heart, live with hope and faith in spite of everything ... live! After all, only a couple of steps can remain to the lumen, some difficult and difficult, but only a couple of steps! Go! Forward! To not give up!
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