Outwardly, you try to hide it, pretend that everything is in order. You always smile when communicating with the people around you, you try to seem calm, strong. This is your outer side, according to which people perceive you. And only at home having fenced off from the outside world, you realize that you are alone. There is no person next to you who would understand you from a half-word, from a half-glance. Someone with whom you could just keep quiet sitting side by side. To whom you could entrust all your joys and sorrows. Who would accept you for who you are without demanding anything in return. But, alas, you don't have it.
Can't you figure out why? Why are you so lonely? What are you doing wrong? Why can't you meet the one, the very best, who would accept you unconditionally. Maybe you make great demands or seem to the people around you as an unapproachable strong woman who can decide everything herself. In fact, you are an ordinary woman who has learned not to show her weaknesses. Probably this is what bothers you in life, but you don’t know how to get rid of it! It turns out a vicious circle, but how to get out of it is not clear.
You are like a bird with clipped wings. You so want to fly above all this, but taking off, you immediately fall down, getting only bumps and disappointments. But still, you do not lose hope that someday the very one will appear who will help you take off, help you spread your wings. Who will understand that you are the most ordinary woman who needs care and attention from him. That you are not strong and heartless as many believe. But these are just your dreams.
And again it will be the most ordinary day. Then the most ordinary evening, when loneliness manifests itself in all its glory. There will be tears, there will be sleepless nights ...
In the morning you will put on the mask of a strong woman again, and no one will ever guess how hard and lonely you are in this vast world of people.
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