There are men who love loudly, perform extravagant acts and feats. They are usually extroverts. Others keep their feelings deep within. In such cases, girls are interested in how to understand that a guy is in love with you, if he does not talk about it and does nothing supernatural.
If you summarize how to understand that a guy loves you, then you need to pay attention:
* on actions (does he keep his word, helps, understands, supports);
* non-verbal signs (dilated pupils, gaze, sincere smile with crow's feet near the eyes, * repeated attempts to get tactile contact);
conversation (sincerity, general topics).
To understand that he loves you, psychologists are unlikely to help. They will give only general recommendations, it is necessary to understand the behavior of your chosen one, the peculiarities of his character and temperament. Then everything will fall into place.
There is also such an opinion: if a girl wonders if she is loved, then, as a rule, she has low self-esteem or she understands that her behavior and actions are not conducive to love. Whether this is true or not, everyone decides for himself, but it doesn't hurt to think about such a question.
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