I am so tired of this winter and of this frost .... I want so much at sea, to breathe the air! In Ukraine, there is usually one compulsory entertainment - For most of us, summer vacation is primarily the sea. It doesn't matter if it's native Black, cool Baltic or exotic Caribbean. The sea is a rest for body and soul. In addition, sea air and water are very beneficial for the human body. What are their benefits? Coming to the sea, we find ourselves in another world. The rustle of sand underfoot, pebbles rolls, the cries of seagulls, the lapping of waves ... There are few places where you can feel such complete unity with nature as at the sea. Its boundless grandeur and beauty, changeable color and elemental power give us a whole range of unexplored feelings.
The oceans are the cradle of the biosphere, and therefore it is not surprising that the salt composition of sea water is almost identical to that of human blood. Swimming in the sea, we seem to return to the origins of being ...
Each of the main elements contained in seawater has a healing effect on our bodies: magnesium strengthens the immune system, calcium strengthens bone tissue, potassium normalizes blood pressure, iodine regulates metabolism, and bromine calms the nervous system. By activating metabolic processes, cell renewal is accelerated, pores are cleansed, harmful substances are removed, and a general cleansing of the body occurs. It turns out that swimming in the sea is tantamount to plunging into a huge pool of mineral water! The most healing, that is, mineral-rich "pools" are the Black, Mediterranean and Dead Seas.
When swimming in a small wave, the sea acts as a masseur, and it massages both muscles and blood vessels. In an effort to adapt to new conditions, the body starts the processes of heat regulation: the vessels narrow, and as they are in the water, they expand again, and we feel warm. Needless to say, it strengthens the circulatory system? There is another way of sea massage: in a small storm, lie down near the shore so that the waves, rolling over the body, massage it. This massage is very beneficial for blood circulation.
I wish you, dear, reader, that you would have a good time at sea or in the ocean this summer, it is very useful!
My thoughts, best regards, Anna!
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