And all the words about the main thing ... But ... All of them often remain just a set of letters and phrases ... And sometimes it happens quite the opposite. Just a few words that reach the very heart ... and stay there forever.
These few words resonated in me today ... and for some reason breathed an autumn mood on the eve of spring ...
a life
in half with you.
blown autumn run along the roads of the city.
mixed with foliage
the heart burst into the soul and shattered. coldly.
to wait
I don't want to, I can't.
drops of fog dive onto the roofs of trolley buses.
- stop!
I scream silently
and my voice echoes between houses.
a life
I divide it in half.
but I don't need half a dream, half a love, half a wish.
you take her all ...
reboot. offline. Standby mode.
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