I'm looking forward to the summer! Although I think that all seasons are beautiful in their own way, but I get tired of Winter very quickly. I do not like to dress like a "cabbage" - 100 clothes, so as not to freeze. I love Winter for Christmas and New Year. And then I would love to immediately plunge into the summer)
In summer, it is very nice and warm-green grass grows everywhere, there are many flowering trees and flowers. And how many pleasant floral scents!
And of course in the summer there is the sea! I love the sea!How warm, gentle waves caress my body...the sun tan is smooth, beautiful and natural. I don't like tanning salons. Only the Sun can give the most beautiful and healthy tan!
But spring is coming soon, and it's also a very good time of year!In the spring, nature awakens. The first green leaves break out from under the snow, and the buds swell on the trees! And then, as if by magic, in an instant - everything becomes green, alive and very beautiful! And what snowdrops! I love flowers, snowdrops are in a special place! This is a symbol of spring! Love! After all, in the spring, according to many fairy tales and legends, many enchanted hearts of Princes and Princesses thaw out! And they find their love! I'll definitely find her, too! I believe it!
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